Thursday, 30 April 2020


Let's read a book! Click on the pictures to listen to the story too.

 to read the story

Monday, 27 April 2020

Baby Shark Dance | Sing and Dance! | @Baby Shark Official | PINKFONG Son...

Let's  remember  the family members in English: baby, mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa.

Video by PINKFONG Songs for Children

Ruth's picture

Ruth loves the Baby Shark song.
Wow! What a beautiful picture! Thank you, Ruth!
Baby Shark, doo doo doo doo...

Marco and Noé's pictures

Marco and Noé like  Let's go to the zoo song.
Look at these wonderful pictures and the names of the animals.
Great job, boys! Thank you!

Daniela's picture

This is Daniela! She likes the song THIS IS ME and she shares with us a picture of her.
Thank you, Daniela! That's a fantastic picture!


Can you write the alphabet in 30 seconds? Play the ABC Countdown  Game by British Council. Click on the link.


                     ABC Countdown


Thursday, 23 April 2020

Aldara's picture


 Aldara loves The Rainbow song and she wants to share this beautiful picture with all of you.

Thank you Aldara, great job!! Red and yellow and pink and green...

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Idaira's picture

This is Idaira's picture of the song: Let's go to the zoo.
Thank you Idaira! It's a beautiful picture. So many animals.
Look at it: an elephant, a bear, a monkey,  a penguin...

Grazas polo teu debuxo, Idaira! O blog cos vosos debuxos é moito máis fermoso.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Let's Go To The Zoo | Animal Song for Kids

We enjoyed this song in class. Do you remember? We had a nice time dancing and singing. Try at home with your family.

Video by Super Simple Songs

I Have A Pet | Animal Song | Super Simple Songs

Do you have a pet? 
Remember: pet- mascota
Sing along with your family.

Video by Super Simple Songs

Old MacDonald Had A Farm | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

What does a (name of the animal) say? Sing along with your family.

Video by Super Simple Songs

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Queres participar no blog?

   Ola a tod@s!
 Gústache debuxar?

Apetéceche poñer un debuxo teu, no


Se é así, non tes máis que enviarme o teu debuxo dunha das cancións que aprendemos no cole, ao seguinte enderezo de correo:


Non hai data límite para enviar os debuxos, así que, podes facelo cando queiras.

Lembra poñer o teu nome  (non é necesario poñer os apelidos) e o curso e, indicar no asunto do correo, que é para publicalo no blog.

Incy Wincy spider - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - LearnEnglish Kids Brit...

Sing this finger play song by British Council. Do you remember how to do it?